Spring Sprint

Monday, December 27, 2010

Dec 27th evening

What a nice quiet day !!!!! Quiet cuz some of those back ground noise is now blending in and so now I am getting some other sounds ...... I was sitting in the kitchen and ok -- a new noise but what is it ?? look all around --nothing --- no one here to ask right now ... 2 hours later same noise ---- Has to be the fan on the furnace blowing up the hot air !!!!!!
Went out for my walk by myself --- been a few days since I walked --- walking along and I hear something ..... swooooshhh ... car goes by ----- but I heard it behind me --- again no idea what it was but 10 minutes later when I  hear this sound again I know a car is coming ............................ wow .........I am just soooo happy with all of this ---
Rhonda was out for a while with her friends . I am in the kitchen when she come home when she enters the house she says --Hello !! Hello !!! and Yes I heard her voice and know that she is home .....
Thank You God !!!! amen ............ have a good night .............

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